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Maintenance Department

New Water Meter Install call (605) 940-8504, M-F from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Please schedule this in advance.

Water Sewer After Hours Emergencies Only Phone (605) 940-8504.

Details for Tea's Micro-Surfacing Project - Brought to by City of Sioux Falls.


The City of Tea currently has a watering restriction in effect. Please see the homepage for more information.

Sump Pump Notice

Please be advised that City of Tea Ordinance 138, Section 11.04 (e) Sewer provisions, Certain Act Prohibited states in part: No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm sewer water, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water or unpolluted industrial process water to any sanitary sewer. Please remove any sump pump hoses that are connected to the city sewer system. Mainline camera inspections can determine if illegal pumping is happening and violators can be charged up to a $200.00 fine.

Trim Your Trees

According to City of Tea Ordinance Section 9.05 (c) Municipal Trees states in part: It is the duty of all property owners to prune trees in such mater that they do not obstruct or shade the street lights, obstruct the passage of pedestrians on sidewalks, obstruct the vision of traffic signs, or obstruct the view of any street or alley intersection. The minimum clearance of any overhanging portion shall be 10 feet whenever practical and 12 feet overall streets except truck thoroughfares where the clearances shall be from 14 to 16 feet.

Snow Removal

Sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours after a snowfall.

When a snow alert is issued, vehicles must be removed from all streets or will be ticketed towed. Snow alert notices issued to KELO, KDLT & KSFY TV Stations.

If your vehicle has been towed, please contact the Tea Police Department Non-Emergency Phone Number at (605) 498-5577 to locate your vehicle.

Snowplow drivers make every effort to plow as close to the mailboxes as possible. But during heavy snowfalls, especially on cul-de-sacs, it is very difficult to completely clear the snow without risking damage to the mailbox post itself. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the resident to remove snow from around the mailbox to assure uninterrupted delivery of mail. It is also the homeowner's responsibility to repair broken mailboxes due to snow coming off of the plow blade.

Park Rules

  • Park hours 5:00 am to 11:00 pm.
  • NO glass containers allowed.
  • Absolutely NO selling of alcohol is allowed.
  • NO driving within the park or on any grass area.
  • NO open flames allowed: Candles, fires, fireworks, etc. Use of the park charcoal grill is permitted - were applicable.
  • All garbage must be picked up placed into trash containers. Trash not able to fit into containers must be hauled away by individuals.
  • All animal waste must be picked up and placed into trash containers.
  • Picnic tables should be kept in their original condition layout.
  • Absolutely NO confetti, fake flower petals, or other items can be tossed within the park or laid on top of tables/chairs.
  • The only items allowed to be tossed are bubbles, birdseed real flower pedals.
  • All decorations must be weighted down or tied in place. NO free-standing decorations that are able to blow away.
  • Garland/decorations used in the shelter can be tied or wired in place.
  • Nothing can be stapled/tacked to the shelter or any other park structure.
  • NO tent stakes can be placed within 2 feet of marked electrical lines. All tents inflatables must be pre-approved by Tea City Hall.
  • All event set-up materials, decorations tents must be torn down and removed from the park immediately after events.
  • The swimming pool parking lot cannot be used for park event parking during operating pool hours.
  • Individuals will be held responsible for any damages caused.

City Hall

City of Tea (605) 498-5194 600 E. 1st St. Tea SD 57064 US 42.78634000 -96.93182500